How do I turn in my assignment in Moodle?
After you have logged in to Moodle using your username and password, click on the link for the course that you need to turn in an assignment for. There are a couple of ways that your professor might organize it, but mostly an assignment is a link under a class date or other topic that looks like this.
When you click on that link you'll see information about the assignment, along with the status about whether it is submitted, graded, and when it is due. If you haven't already submitted, click on the blue button at the bottom that says "Add Submission"
A window will open marked "File Submissions" and that is where you can drag and drop in your files for the assignment from Windows Explorer or if you're on a Mac your Finder program. If you want to add a file manually click on the document with a plus sign next to it at the top to open File picker and navigate to its position that way.
It will need to be a file you have access to on your computer in order to do this, pasting in a link from your Google drive will not work, but you will be able to download that file to your computer and then attach it as a PDF, DOC or XLS file depending on what it is and what your teacher has asked for.