How do I find the full text of an article?


Look for the Find Full Text button button in the library's subscription databases

This button helps you search for the full text of an article across most of the Library's databases.  You can also use the "Find Full Text" button to request  an article through Interlibrary Loan.

How do I use the Find Full Text Button?
Complete your search as usual in one of the library's databases. If the full text is not available directly from that database, you will see the Find Full Text Button button below the citation.  Clicking the button will open a menu (usually in a new browser window) which indicates whether the Library subscribes to the full text of the journal in another database.

If we subscribe, you will see a list of databases that provide the full text of the article. Simply click on one of these links to connect you to the full text.

If Manhattan University does not subscribe to the journal or article you need, you may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan. Simply click on the "Request it! (interlibrary loan)" link.


  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2024
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Susanne Markgren

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