How do I request a book?


For books that are not in our holdings that you think would be a good addition to the college's collection, please use the suggest a purchase formIf it is an ebook that is being suggested, we will try to get back to you within 24 hours with either the link to the book or a suggestion for a similar one if the book you want isn't available as an ebook.

For books that you'd like us to borrow from another library for use in your research, please request them with Interlibrary Loan.

If there is a book in our library that is out with another patron and you'd like to request a hold be put on it so that it is set aside for you when it's returned, please contact our circulation desk at to see if that will be possible. 

  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2023
  • Views 166
  • Answered By Laurin Paradise

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