How can I upload or link material in Moodle?


Faculty are encouraged to link out directly to the library's subscription databases and online journals from their Moodle course pages. This is a best practice for a number of reasons:

  • Increased accessibility. Many databases offer text-to-speech options and provide stable, searchable, and accessible PDFs as well as full-text of articles.
  • Compliance with copyright.
  • Develops student’s knowledge of library databases and interfaces.
  • Develops students’ knowledge of features such as citation generators, exporting to citation managers, and availability of various file formats.
  • Allows for discoverability of related articles within the database or online journal.

To link to an article, use the permalink or stable URL. For off-campus access, make sure that the following prefix is included:

For assistance with Moodle contact Instructional Design.


  • Last Updated Jul 11, 2023
  • Views 280
  • Answered By Amy Handfield

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