What can I find on Kanopy?


Kanopy is a streaming video service that you can access through the library website. If you are off-campus, you'll be prompted to enter in your email address and password, but you can access it anywhere with WiFi with that information. Kanopy offers documentaries, classic films, foreign films, and some modern films.

Your professor may ask you to comment on films, you can do this by scrolling down past the viewer where the movie is played and its summary, and there will be a box below a header marked comments where you can put in your comments.

If you want to be able to keep track of films you need to watch for a class (or want to watch for fun), you can keep track of it with a list attached to your profile. Click the Sign Up link at top and type in your email and password again. You've now created a profile

When you log in after this with the Log In link at the top of the screen, then selecting to login with Google, you'll be able to see films you've added to your list. You add films to your list by hovering over the picture of the movie, and clicking where it says "+ My List". After this it will turn to a green check mark. You can get to your list at any time by clicking on the icon at the top right that has your name and a house icon, and then selecting My List from the dropdown.

Sometimes we won't have the movie that you want. You can then request it by clicking on the title of the movie, and then in the form that comes up, fill out information including your name, your status at Manhattan University
(student, faculty, etc), your reasons that we need to get the movie and you'll get a reply letting you know whether or not we're able to get that title. 

  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2024
  • Views 1119
  • Answered By Laurin Paradise

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