How do I look for articles in JStor?


JSTOR is located on the databases list in the subject dropdown under Multidisciplinary It is a great resource for art and humanities analysis and criticism, as well as scientific publications. One of the limitations of JSTOR is it collects for some journals that want an embargo period on their content. An embargo period is time after the journal's publication where JSTOR will not allow access to the articles. If you need only the most recent articles on a subject, you might want to use one of the other subject databases.

You can use JSTOR's search tools by searching for your key terms in title or full-text. You can also by scrolling down the page, narrow the search to books, articles or other formats, select a date range, or indicate that you only want to search certain disciplines or journals. 

After you've entered in your search term and gotten results you can further filter them by publication date, content type and subject of the journal.


  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2023
  • Views 604
  • Answered By Laurin Paradise

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