How do I find international newspapers?
You can find our listing of newspaper databases by going to our Databases list and selecting from the second dropdown that you want the Newspaper databases. Several of them have options below that will allow you to search through international newspapers for your research topic.
In Proquest's News and Newspapers, if you scroll down on the advanced search screen, you'll see that some of the options for databases are Global Breaking Newswires and International Newsstreams. Depending on what countries you are looking for newspapers for, the Canadian Newsstream option could also be useful.
Also on the advanced search screen there's a field marked Location. If you click on Look Up Location next to the field, you can select which locations you'd like to search, however these are the mentions of locations, not a guarantee that those are the newspapers that you'll be finding.
Once you have put in an initial search, you can narrow down your results to only certain newspapers by clicking on Publications in the left hand side of the results page and selecting the papers you are interested in.
Infotrac Newsstand
From the main link, click on Advanced above the main search bar. It will take you to a two-tabbed search screen, select the one for Publication Search.
From the country of publication and language of publication dropdown you can select whichever country and/or language that you are looking for newspapers from while conducting your search.
Newspaper Source
Newspaper Source is EBSCO's newspapers database. Unfortunately from this site, there isn't an easy way to add international newspapers directly from the advanced search screen.
You can either go up to the publications list at the top of the screen, and add the newspapers from the country or countries that you are interested in - though you'd have to know their names since there isn't a function to let you only pick newspapers from that country.
You can also do your initial search from the main screen, and then select publication on the left-hand side of the screen of filters. This will give you a list of the publications that have come up in your search and you can check off which publications are of interest to you. When you hit update, your search results will update to only articles among the publication that you have selected.