How do I change a Word doc to a PDF?


You can save it as a pdf directly from Microsoft Word. 

If you are using Microsoft Word, first open the document that you need to convert to a pdf.  

Click File, Select Save As from the options. Select the folder you want to save it to. 

When it opens the folder in an explorer window, below the file name, there will be a dropdown option saying Save As Type, from that menu select PDF

below the option marked file name, there is an option marked save as type

When it has finished saving, click to open it from Explorer to make sure all the formatting looks okay. 

If you are working from a non-library computer that doesn't have Microsoft Word, you can convert the Word doc to a PDF using your Google Drive. 

First, open the folder you want to use in your Google drive, and the Explorer window where your file is located. This will be called a Finder if you're on a Mac. 

Click on the file you want to convert and drag it into your Google Drive window. An icon will appear confirming that you're copying that file into your Google Drive. 

The icon of the word doc that will appear over your google drive when you are dragging in a doc

Double-click on the document. Click on the option to open it in Google Docs. Check to make sure the formatting looks okay compared to your Word doc. After you've made any changes you need to make if the formatting is off, click on File, hover over Download As on the options, and select PDF from the menu that appears to the right of that option. It will automatically download to your downloads folder with the same name as the file you opened. 

Open the PDF to check that the formatting transferred okay before you send the pdf. 


  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2023
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Laurin Paradise

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